2022 Flat Illustrations

Esse semestre tenho experimentado composições e formas mais simples com finalizações diferentes. Voltei a pintura tradicional com tinta acrílica e isso me inspirou a tentar reproduzir esse processo criativo tradicional no digital. 
Além disso, tentei explorar desdobramentos da ilustração original. Expandindo o potencial criativo de cada elemento ilustrado resultando em novas composições.
Para recriar esse processo trabalhei com minha Huion Kamvas no Adobe Photoshop explorando os brushes de Dry Media do Kyle T. Webster.
Espero que gostem.

This semester I've been experimenting with simpler compositions and forms with different finishes. I went back to traditional painting with acrylic paint and it inspired me to try to reproduce this traditional creative process with digital media.
In addition, I tried to explore developments from the original illustration. Expanding the creative potential of each illustrated element, resulting in new compositions.
To recreate this process I worked with my Huion Kamvas in Adobe Photoshop exploring the Dry Media brushes by Kyle T. Webster.
Hope you like it.
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